Saturday, January 24, 2009

Week of January 18, 2009

Another week has flown by, it's hard to believe that January is nearing an end.


DESSERT! On Sunday I try to make a yummy treat for us. We don't have dessert everyday around here. Tonight I made Mint Brownies...........YUM!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Stan was home and he and Marcus enjoyed a story before naptime. Marcus loved it!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big day for our country! I watched the inaguration and President Obama's speech. Even though I wasn't on his "team" during the election process, I hope our country can come together and work on the problems we are facing. It was a historic day for sure.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

February is almost here - time to start making Valentines - YAY!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm trying hard to get Austin's scrapbook up to date before he comes home. This is his 11th birthday. Why does time have to fly be SO dang fast!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Marcus made himself a bed on the kitchen floor and Kyle joined him for a nap. Guess I should have taken the hint that he was tired! (It was almost 10 pm!!!)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturdays mean: Video games (for Preston), haircuts, new shoes, volleyball practice (for Amanda), basketball practice (for Preston and Kyle), plus all the fix it jobs, laundry etc. Plus, today, 4 dozen frosted sugar cookies for "It's great to be 8" tomorrow, and oatmeal raisin cookies for Hayden's sunday school class................WOW!!!
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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week of January 11, 2009

I'm going to start posting a week at a time - it's easier to keep track of for my old brain!

I took a picture on Sunday, of the family watching Grease and singing along to all the songs - it got deleted!!


Marcus learned how to make Goldfish confetti!! Love those toddlers. (Note the "confetti" in his hair!)


One of my favorite blogs. I have to visit everyday. Great cooking inspiration and lots of good humor. Up at the top you can see some of my other daily wanderings around the internet. I sit and do my morning "blogging" while Marcus eats breakfast.


Kyle loves to mug it up for the camera. It looks like there is an orange in his mouth - nope, it's his tongue!


Spent the afternoon making the It's Great to be 8 invitations for Primary. I love how they turned out!

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Marcus loves the computer. He spent an hour playing Little Einsteins and Elmo games!
It's amazing to us that he already knows how to use the mouse and get where he wants to go. I think kids are born with a technology gene now!


Just keepin' it real. Kitchen counter on a Saturday morning............

Friday, January 9, 2009

Just words............

No photo today. I just wasn't feeling "it". I did get out of the house with Marcus and if I would have taken my camera with me I would have a cute photo of him enjoying McNuggets INSIDE the McDonalds. He love it!
Note to self: Keep camera in purse!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8, 2009

January 8, 2009

Preston brought home his cell project today. It was a hard, stressful project for both of us :)
He was happy to report that he received a grade of 5/5!!! Yay Preston!
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January 7, 2009

Two photos today:

New Year - time to stock up on necessities. Smart and Final had a great deal on frozen chicken breasts - and we were out of the 3 things that Marcus can't seem to live without lately: cookies, cheese cookies (aka goldfish) and cocoa (his morning request nearly everyday).

Marcus loves his Little People. He had them set up all over the family room today. Wish I could understand what he was telling them :)
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Project 365

I'm trying a new project this year. I read about it last year, but just didn't have the time, energy, motivation.......etc. Now a whole year has passed and I wish I would have done it. Anyway, the idea is to take one photo a day. Something that just catches your eye, no matter how trivial. Then you write a few words about it. Eventually I would like to turn the whole year into a scrapbook, but for now I'm going to use this blog. (less effort on my part) I'm getting a slow start, so here is January 1st through 6th. I want to try to enter one a day from here on out.

January 1, 2009
This photo (taken by Amanda), reminds me of how much Marcus is loved around here. His brothers and sisters worship the ground he walks on most of the time. Even when he gets into their stuff, which happens more frequently now, they still love him and treat him with kindness.

January 2, 2009

Goofball!!! He loves to cheese it up for the camera now!!

January 3, 2009
Today was our Primary "Meet and Greet". A fun way for the kids to meet their new teachers. Afterwards we cleaned out the Primary closets in preparation for the new year...............Not fun!!! The results were great though :) I love to open an organized closet.

January 4, 2009

A typical Sunday afternoon. Resting, relaxing and napping. Amanda loves sharing the couch with her dad and I love that they have such a fun, teasing, loving relationship.

January 5, 2009

This one is to remind me to be thankful for what I have instead of whining about what I don't. Enough said.

January 6, 2009

Our usual morning routine. After we take Amanda and Preston to school, I sit at my desk with my toast and tea and Marcus has breakfast in his chair (while watching Little Einsteins). Hey, it works for us!
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